
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Stanford Challenge

Across two terms we took part in the Stanford  course (Maths)
  • Maths is everywhere in sport e.g dance, Football, tennis
  • Maths is everywhere in nature e.g in snowflakes, spider webs, pine cones
  • Maths is a connected subject and it is important to see and make mathematical connections.
  • Being good at maths does not mean being fast. Depth is more important than speed.
  • Mistakes in maths grow your brain
  • A growth mindset – a belief that you can get smarter with hard work – is really important for maths success
  • The brain grows from experience

Personally I don't like maths (Like alot of other people) but what is your favourite subject?

Reading our slides! ...wait no

Across the term we had to read a book and we had to do some reading slides about them, my book (you may already know this..) but mine "Was when the war came home" this book is about a young boy named jimmy who has a grandpa who is a soldier and eventually they go on an adventure to an island off the coast of New Zealand

My slides

We had to do reading evidence for our books where we had to take a paragraph from the book and visualise it, then we had to do a character study showing the main characters (In my case Jimmy) Characteristics, Actions and how they Looked. Then everyone had to record a video explaining the story (Although it had to be like 3 minutes) and it was a bit of a challenge, Then we had to make a D.L.O showing the whole story, I drew up a picture showing jimmy standing on a rock as the main events play on behind him.

What is your favourite book/series. I would like to get my hands on the original Jurassic Park novel by Micheal Crichton.


In week 8 or 7 (I can't remember xd) I had to do volunteering for the curtain bank, the curtain bank gives out free curtains to people who won't have any curtains for winter.

Me, Nasili and Max H where put in a group together and we had to fold curtains to fit in bags about an eight of the size (That might be an exaggeration) and we folded around 15 - 20 curtains and it was alot of fun!

If you ever had to do volunteering what was it? 

Winter sport review...

Over the past two terms I have been playing football for my school and I would like to review it for all of you!
First of all here is my table of wins

W (C) 3 - 0
W (A) 5 - 1
W (A) 2 - 1
D (B) 1 - 1
W (B) 2 - 0
W (B) 3 - 1
L (B) 2 - 1
D (B) 2 - 2
L (A) 2 - 0
W (B) 2 - 0
W (B) 4 - 3
Over all I got 23 points (W = 3, D = 1, L = 0)
I Scored 4 Goals and 7 Assists, Pretty good record if you ask me!
Over all I had a great time playing football for my school, I gave me extra playing time and new ways of playing I scored some great goals and some nice passes including a goal where I ran through the whole team, I think that I had a great season over all + I have the best record in Kaupeka (7-2-2)

Playing football is an activity where I don't just see the fun side, I see the fitness and athletic side with a sprinkle of competitiveness for me.
Whats your sport that you take (somewhat) seriously?


Hey guys! so today's blog is sponsored by.. Reconciliation!, Reconciliation is where you must confess to the lord about your sins and then he forgives you and guys if you use code "Dearlordmylastconfessionwas" then you get it absolutely free! you can get it from the Church store right now!


Alright... here is the plan!

Before we made our PBL for this term we needed a plan so for about 2 hours in total me and kade work on our plan for our PBL  and here it is


Which plan of yours worked out perfectly?

Constructing a new framework...

For PBL me and Kade made a clay framework to raise awareness of deforestation, this is done by the fact that me and Kade wanted a new building material more mass produced than wood to help out with deforestation

New laws in place, you must follow!

So! for our PBL me and Kade did deforestation and for things we made up some new laws to combat this dangerous prospect

Hey! hey you! you are invited!

So! today we have "Our future an Exposition" where we get to show you a terms work of figuring out... What will the future ask of us? and here is my invitation

What is your favourite thing that you have been invited too?

Dry Erase (Science)

For science I did the "Dry Erase" marker experiment, I did this over two weeks and here is my findings!

If you ever did a science experiment what was it?

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Outbreak

For writing we had to write a narrative and yesterday I finished mine, I'm pretty sure it is the longest in the hub at a grand total of... 3000 words and 10 pages. The story is about a deadly disease that wipes out the Americas and travels across they ocean to conquer the southern part of Africa, but a scientist team in Russia find a cure to it! they put the cure into nukes and launch them into vital areas of the disease, but 1 it gets caught in a hurricane! throwing the nuke into the water.

They then launch 8 atom bombs to do the job and they did! the earth is saved and everyone is happy (Although the American population is 79 because of people on holiday) but everyone else is!

How long was your biggest story?

My Story